Swine Disease Global Surveillance Report, Mar. 2020(Part 2)
当局表示,该镇从该省多个城镇(Lindasan, North Lamidan, South Lamidan,Calian, Mabuhay, Lawa, Nueva Villa和Baluntayan)购进了生猪。农业部表示,初步调查显示,此次疫情可能是由来自印度尼西亚的猪肉产品的食品残渣或吕宋岛疫区居民带回家的食物引发的。
Authorities stated that pigs had been imported to the town from barangays from multiple towns in the province (Lindasan, North Lamidan, South Lamidan, Calian, Mabuhay, Lawa, Nueva Villa, and Baluntayan). Preliminary investigations suggest that the outbreak might have been triggered by food waste from pork products from Indonesia, or food brought home by residents from disease-hit areas in Luzon, the agricultural department said.
马塞利诺(Don Marcelino)当地政府已下令启动一个区域动物疾病工作组,重点关注该省的ASF疫情。禁止将生猪运进、运出本市,禁止销售猪肉。当局还在该市周围的入境点设立了动物检疫检查站。马里塔、DavaoOccidental 政府还下令扑杀该省剩下的10万头猪,此前阿斯福疫情爆发导致马塞利诺省数千头猪死亡。扑杀行动从2月5日开始,当时疫情的爆发地马塞利诺(Don Marcelino)有7000头生猪,据报道,该地大约有6000头猪死于ASF。政府建议村级官员将剩余的生猪集中宰杀,并向生猪所有者支付97.94美元(5000比索)的补偿。
The local government of Don Marcelino has ordered the activation of a Regional Animal Disease Task Force to focus on ASF cases in the province. Transporting hogs in and out of the municipality, as well as selling pig meat was prohibited. Authorities also established animal quarantine checkpoints in entry points around the municipality. Malita, Davao Occidental Government has also ordered the culling of what remained of the 100,000 hogs in the province, following the ASF outbreak that killed thousands of pigs in Don Marcelino. The culling started on February 5 with the 7,000 remaining live hogs in Don Marcelino, the ground zero of the outbreak, where some 6,000 pigs were reported to have died due to ASF. The government recommended village officials to collect the remaining hogs to be culled and pay the owners $97.94 (P5,000) as compensation.
1. 根据农业部的数据,2月9日,棉兰老岛南部岛屿达沃市的两个村庄共扑杀了407头猪,这两个村庄的生猪存栏总数为2398头。政府数据显示,截至2020年1月1日,这个岛上大约有370万头生猪,占全国总数的29%。吕宋省也报告了更多的病例,包括去年受影响的潘加西南省,以及卡林加省和本盖特省(吕宋省北部)。
On February 9, 407 pigs had been culled in two villages, with a swine population of 2,398, in Davao City on the southern island of Mindanao, according to the ministry of agriculture. The island had a swineherd of around 3.7 million as of January 1, 2020, government data shows, or 29% of the country's total. More cases were also reported in some Luzon provinces, including Pangasinan, which was among the areas hit last year, and in Kalinga and Benguet provinces (Northern Luzon).
2. 2月13日,农业部透露,ASF在南达沃的两个村庄继续蔓延。在苏禄普镇采集的猪血液样本中发现ASF病毒呈阳性。随后,省兽医办公室在战略地点实施了封锁,以限制那里的猪之间的感染。
On February 13, the Department of Agriculture revealed that the disease continued spreading in two villages of south Davao. Blood samples collected from pigs in Sulop town were found positive of the ASF virus. Subsequently, the provincial veterinary office implemented a lockdown in strategic locations to limit infection among the hogs there.
菲律宾总统Rodrigo R. Duterte发布了第22号命令备忘录,命令所有政府机构和地方政府单位(LGUs)确保农业部(DA) ASF全国分区计划的实施,以控制和遏制疾病的传播。
President Rodrigo R. Duterte issued Memorandum Order No. 22, ordering all government agencies and local government units (LGUs) to ensure the implementation of the Department of Agriculture’s (DA) nationwide zoning plan for ASF to control and contain the spread of the disease.
South Korea
韩国当局报告了更多的野猪死亡案例,并检测出ASF阳性。截至2月24日,在朝鲜边境附近发现257头野猪死亡。根据国家环境研究所(National Institute of Environmental Research)的数据,最近的死猪是在东部的赫瓦歇县和西部的坡州市发现的。
South Korean authorities reported that more wild boars have been discovered dead and tested positive for ASF. As of February 24, 257 wild boars have been found dead in the country, near its border with North Korea. The most recent dead hogs were found in the eastern county of Hwacheon and the Western city of Paju, according to the National Institute of Environmental Research.
The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs requested the Ministry of Environment to install the third stage wide fences after detecting wild boar cases outside of the wide fence area. The Minister also requested to take additional measures for the first and the second wide fence area, especially those areas using geographical barriers.
Pig farms within 10km (6.2 miles) radius from a location where a positive wild boar case was detected would be tested for environmental samples for ASF every week.
So far, local authorities have culled about 400,000 domestic pigs as part of preventive measures.
Foot-and-Mouth Disease
An outbreak of FMD was confirmed in mid-February 2020 in a county in the northern part of the country (Marsabit county). Cyclic droughts and locusts are believed to be contributing to the increase in FMD cases in the region. Since December 2019, active quarantine has been in place in the same region due to an outbreak and vaccine shortage. The acute shortage is due to poor quality and possibly contaminated FMD vaccines. The normally pink-colored vaccine would change to yellow and orange in color, raising suspicion of a potentially ineffective vaccine. In response, the government plans to implement an FMD vaccination exercise. Additionally, laboratory capacity will be set up at the Laisamis Technical Training Institute for the research of endemic livestock diseases.
Moving to the southern part of the country, another county (Makueni county) has issued a quarantine notice on livestock (and products) after experiencing an FMD and lumpy skin disease outbreak. Movement restrictions in addition to cattle include sheep and goats (and products). Additional instructions included in the quarantine include herding livestock as far as possible from public roads and burying dying animals not less than four feet deep.
-The end-