with rats, broiler chickens, catfish and dairy cows as part of a safety assessment program for a soybean variety genetically modified to tolerate in-season application of glyphosate. These studies were designed to compare the feeding value (wholesomeness) of two lines of glyphosate-tolerant soybeans (GTS) to the feeding value of the parental cultivar from which they were derived. Processed GTS meal was incorporated into the diets at the same concentrations as used commercially; dairy cows were fed 10 g/100 g cracked soybeans in the diet, a level that is on the high end of what is normally fed commercially. Ina separate study,laboratory rats were fed 5 and 10 g unprocessed soy bean meal 100 g diet. The study durations were 4 wk(rats and dairy cows), 6 wk (broilers) and 10 wk (cat fish). Growth, feed conversion (rats, catfish, broilers),fillet composition (catfish), and breast muscle and fat pad weights (broilers) were compared for animals fed
the parental and GTS lines. Milk production, milk composition, rumen fermentation and nitrogen digestability were also compared for dairy cows. In all studies,measured variables were similar for animals fed both GTS lines and the parental line, indicating that the feeding value of the two GTS lines is comparable to that of the parental line. These studies support detailed compositional analysis of the GTS seeds, which showed no meaningful differences between the parental and GTS lines in the concentrations of important nutrients and antinutrients. They also confirmed the results of other studies that demonstrated the safety of the introduced protein, a bacterial 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase from Agrobacterium sp.strain CP4.
孟山公司发表在Journal of Nutrition的论文
该报告主要是从食用转基因大豆动物的体重,一些脏器和组织的重量,以及消化器官里被降解食物的化学成份来判定 转基因大豆与非转基因大豆的营养“等同性”。这与转基因大豆与非转基因大豆的毒理等同性风马牛不相及!打个比方,如果有人说加有三聚氰胺的奶粉含氮量更高,并能把孩子食 得更胖,因此就说三聚氰胺奶粉不仅有营养而且还安全,你信吗?
因此,我们唤 吁:有关机构对这起关系国计民生的重大学术造假、玩忽职守和商业欺诈事件进行严厉调查!