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来源:  猪译馆   2021-05-28 14:45:16   查看:  次


  Swine Disease Global Surveillance Report, Apr. 2021-part2
  African Swine Fever
  罗马尼亚 Romania
  On April 1, the Romanian National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) released a new statement updating the current situation of ASF. According to this report, there are currently 409 active outbreaks in the country, affecting over 100,000 animals.
  From the 409 outbreaks, seven are in commercial holdings, and six outbreaks in type A commercial.
  Four years after the appearance of ASF in domestic pigs in the European Union, only Romania still registers this number of cases. More than 200 outbreaks have been reported on farms since then, leading to thousands of animals’ culling. To understand the magnitude of the contrast between scenarios, by March 3, Romania had 231 new ASF cases in domestic pigs. Simultaneously, the number of cases of ASF in all European states was zero.
  In contrast, most European countries are battling ASF among wild boar. But even then, Romania occupies a leading place with 512 cases, after Hungary (1371), Poland (977), and Slovakia (531), according to the same source.
  Map 2. Global distribution of reported ASF outbreaks in Romania.
  The actual impact
  罗马尼亚猪肉生产者协会(APCPR)总统Ioan Ladoşi上周对当地新闻媒体说,与2017年非洲猪瘟出现前的60%相比,如今罗马尼亚本地猪场供应的猪肉尚不能满足30%的需求。
  The president of the Association of Romanian Pork Producers (APCPR), Ioan Ladoşi, said last week to a local news media that local farms do not supply more than 30% of the demand for pork in Romania, compared to 60% in 2017, before the appearance of swine fever.
  He also mentioned that in 2020 3.7 million pigs were slaughtered, down 12% compared to 2019, when 4.2 million pigs arrived at slaughterhouses.
  最近,农业部长Adrian Oros表示,非洲猪瘟造成的年度赤字超过6亿欧元(7.08亿美元)。全国共计360万头育肥猪的饲养规模,现存栏不足90万头。其余的猪场都已破产或空置。此外,政府每年还支付数亿元的赔偿金。
  Recently, Minister of Agriculture Adrian Oros stated that ASF had caused an annual deficit of more than 600 million euros (US$708 million). Out of the 3.6 million accommodation places for fattening pigs, not more than 900,000 are currently occupied. The rest are in empty bankrupt farms. Moreover, each year, the government has paid hundreds of millions in compensation.
  亚洲 ASIA
  菲律宾 The Philippines
  In March, nine countries - China, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Korea, the Philippines, Timor-Lester, India, and Malaysia - reported new ASF outbreaks.
  Since 2018, the region has registered over 12,000 outbreaks with 7 million pig losses. The losses reported by the OIE are calculated based on the sum of dead and culled animals in the infected farm or backyard premises notified within the outbreaks. It doesn’t include the impact of additional control measures applied in response to the outbreaks, such as preventative culling in a zone around an outbreak.
  Currently, there are over 1,400 ongoing official outbreaks across 14 countries.
  Map 3. Notified outbreaks in Asia until April 1st (Source: FAO)
  菲律宾 The Philippines
  3月29日,邻近雷特岛的萨马岛首次确诊非洲猪瘟,疫情爆发与北萨马省Lope de Vega的一家后院农场,一名游客被怀疑是此次疫情的传播途径。
  On March 29, ASF was confirmed for the first time in Samar Island, neighboring Layte Island. The disease was confirmed on backyard farms in Lope de Vega, Northern Samar Province, a visitor, is suspected as the route of introduction into the farm.
  In March, the Philippine authorities reported that since the first outbreak detected in July 2019, ASF has spread to 12 regions, 40 provinces, 466 cities and municipalities, and 2,425 communities in the Philippines to date, causing a loss of over 3 million pigs, taking the country to declare the national emergency.
  中国 China
  In March, Chinese authorities reported new ASF cases in Sichuan, Hubei, Yunnan, Hunan Provinces, and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Map 4).
  1.  3月初,在四川、湖北和云南发现了非洲猪瘟疫情。
  Earlier in March, ASF cases were detected in Sichuan, Hubei, and Yunnan Provinces.
  2.  3月2日,云南省查获36只非法运输的感染动物。
  On 3/2, Yunnan authorities seized 36 infected animals illegally transported
  3.  3月6日,有关部门报告了四川(127头猪的猪场,38头死亡)和湖北(查获运输165头感染仔猪的车辆)两省爆发疫情。
  On 3/6, authorities reported outbreaks in both Sichuan (farm of 127 heads, 38 animals died) and Hubei (vehicle seized transporting 165 infected piglets) provinces
  4.  3月9日,四川当局查获10头非法运输的猪(2头死亡)。
  On 3/9, Sichuan authorities seized 10 pigs (two died) illegally transported.
  5.  3月24日,新疆伊犁州的一家猪场爆发疫情。
  In Xinjiang, an outbreak occurred on March 24 in Yili prefecture on a domestic farm.
  6.  3月27日,一辆非法运入湖南的运猪车在长沙检测到非洲猪瘟。
  In Hunan, ASF was detected in Changsa County, Changsa City, on March 27 on a truck of pigs being transported into Hunan illegally.
  Map 4. ASF in China

  Transmission routes updates
  In February, the Standing Group of Experts on ASF for Asia met virtually. Regional representatives shared updates on the current ASF situation and progress with control.
  Here a summary with the highlights of the presentation done by the Chinese delegate is presented:
  Note: It needs to be highlighted that many experts agree that the real number of cases in China may  be significantly over the officially reported number of outbreaks in China of 182 total cases (farms: 148; slaughterhouse: 7; transportation: 21, wildboar: 6).
  ● 传播途径所占比例因疫情阶段的不同而有很大变化:
  The proportion of transmission routes change significantly depending on the phase of the epidemic:

  Figure 2. Transmission routes in China
  ● 生物安全改善,83.2%的猪场实施了20项生物安全措施,大型猪场的合规水平最高:
  Biosecurity improvements, 83.2 % farms implementing 20 biosecurity measures, large scale farms with the highest levels of compliance:
  Figure 3. Level of biosecurity compliance across different farm scale
  Monitoring ASF Variant Strains in Chinese Pig Farms
  On March 22, the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau released Technical Guidelines for Monitoring African Swine Fever Variant Strains in Pig Farms developed by the National ASF Reference Laboratory.
  Illegal Vaccines
  On March 29, an alert letter on unlicensed ASF vaccine use in the region was sent out to Chief Veterinary Officers (CVOs) by the regional secretariat for FAO/OIE GF-TADs for Asia and the Pacific.
  The FAO and OIE in Asia and the Pacific, together with OIE Reference Laboratory for ASF at the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness and other ASF experts, are working to gather more information. Still, it is essential to emphasize the following:
  ● 目前,世界上还没有经过授权的有效和安全的ASF疫苗。
  There is currently no authorized ASF vaccine with proven effectiveness and safety available in the world.
  ● 生物安全仍然是预防和控制非洲猪瘟最重要、最有效的措施。
  Biosecurity is still the most important and most effective measure for the prevention and control of ASF.
  ● 使用未经证实的安全性或有效性的ASF疫苗既不能预防也不能控制ASF疫情,并会对整个养猪业,包括国内外小型养猪场,构成严重威胁。
  The use of ASF vaccines with unproven safety or efficacy will neither prevent nor control ASF outbreaks and represents a serious threat to the whole pig industry, including smallholders within a country and beyond.
  图5:显示整个3月份报告的疫情地点。蓝色:1-状态无变化;红色:2 -需要额外的关注,因为情况是动态的;黑色:3 -需要考虑改变操作,以降低风险。
  Map 5. Location of the outbreaks reported throughout December. Blue: 1 - no change in status; Red: 2 - needs extra attention as the situation is dynamic; Black: 3 - requires consideration or change in practices to reduce exposure to the US swine industry
  The end.







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