报告关键点 Report Highlights
● 东欧非洲猪瘟(ASF):到目前为止,该地区报告的ASF病例比2020年增加了27%。
African Swine Fever (ASF) across Eastern Europe: So far, the region reported 27% more cases of ASF than in 2020
● 德国非洲猪瘟:梅克伦堡-前波莫瑞州首次爆发非洲猪瘟,也是德国第三个爆发非洲猪瘟的省份。
ASF in Germany: First outbreak in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the third state affected
● 越南非洲猪瘟:当局担心,由于新一波疫情,国内可能出现猪肉短缺。
ASF in Vietnam: Authorities fear a possible local pork shortage due to the new wave of the disease.
上表中的颜色代表疫情的严重程度,这是基于对美国养猪行业确定的危害和潜在的风险划分的;等级(R) 1:蓝色—没有改变状态;2:红色—需要额外关注,因为情况是动态的;3:黑色—需要考虑改变操作以降低对美国养猪业的风险。各起疫情的地理位置图见文末。S表示疑似病例。
Outbreaks described in the table above are colored according to an assigned significance score. The score is based on the identified hazard and potential it has to affect the US swine industry. Rank (R) Blue: 1 - no change in status; Red: 2 - needs extra attention as the situation is dynamic; Black: 3 - requires consideration or change in practices to reduce exposure to the US swine industry. A map with the location of the events reported is available at the end of this report.
非洲猪瘟 African Swine Fever
In November, six countries, including Bulgaria, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Russia, reported new ASF outbreaks in domestic pigs. Only three European countries reported the disease in October. Meanwhile, 12 countries, including Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Russia, reported cases of ASF in wild boar (European Commission Animal Disease System (ADNS); OIE).
据ADNS的最新资料显示,今年在12个 (截至11月21日)发生欧洲野猪非洲猪瘟的国家中,共计报道了10,614个病例。与上一次统计相比(10月23日),这一数字增加了732例(与10月的报告相比增加了50%)。
The latest update from ADNS includes the total number of ASF outbreaks among European wild boar, which so far this year lies at 10,614 across 12 countries (as of November 21). Compared with the previous update on October 23, this figure represents an increase of 732 outbreaks (a 50% increase compared to the reports of October).
自2021年初以来,欧洲国家报告了1,761起家猪疫情,其中278起发生在11月份(与10月份报告的总数相比增加了78%)。(21/11_EC ADNS疾病爆发报告)。
Since the beginning of 2021, European countries have registered 1,761 outbreaks in domestic pigs, 278 of them in the month of November (a 78% increase compared to the total reported in October). (21/11_EC ADNS disease outbreaks report/).
● 东欧非洲猪瘟(ASF):到目前为止,该地区报告的ASF病例比2020年增加了27%。
African Swine Fever (ASF) across Eastern Europe: So far, the region reported 27% more cases of ASF than in 2020
● 德国非洲猪瘟:梅克伦堡-前波莫瑞州首次爆发非洲猪瘟,也是德国第三个爆发非洲猪瘟的省份。
ASF in Germany: First outbreak in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the third state affected
● 越南非洲猪瘟:当局担心,由于新一波疫情,国内可能出现猪肉短缺。
ASF in Vietnam: Authorities fear a possible local pork shortage due to the new wave of the disease.
上表中的颜色代表疫情的严重程度,这是基于对美国养猪行业确定的危害和潜在的风险划分的;等级(R) 1:蓝色—没有改变状态;2:红色—需要额外关注,因为情况是动态的;3:黑色—需要考虑改变操作以降低对美国养猪业的风险。各起疫情的地理位置图见文末。S表示疑似病例。
Outbreaks described in the table above are colored according to an assigned significance score. The score is based on the identified hazard and potential it has to affect the US swine industry. Rank (R) Blue: 1 - no change in status; Red: 2 - needs extra attention as the situation is dynamic; Black: 3 - requires consideration or change in practices to reduce exposure to the US swine industry. A map with the location of the events reported is available at the end of this report.
非洲猪瘟 African Swine Fever
In November, six countries, including Bulgaria, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Russia, reported new ASF outbreaks in domestic pigs. Only three European countries reported the disease in October. Meanwhile, 12 countries, including Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Russia, reported cases of ASF in wild boar (European Commission Animal Disease System (ADNS); OIE).
据ADNS的最新资料显示,今年在12个 (截至11月21日)发生欧洲野猪非洲猪瘟的国家中,共计报道了10,614个病例。与上一次统计相比(10月23日),这一数字增加了732例(与10月的报告相比增加了50%)。
The latest update from ADNS includes the total number of ASF outbreaks among European wild boar, which so far this year lies at 10,614 across 12 countries (as of November 21). Compared with the previous update on October 23, this figure represents an increase of 732 outbreaks (a 50% increase compared to the reports of October).
自2021年初以来,欧洲国家报告了1,761起家猪疫情,其中278起发生在11月份(与10月份报告的总数相比增加了78%)。(21/11_EC ADNS疾病爆发报告)。
Since the beginning of 2021, European countries have registered 1,761 outbreaks in domestic pigs, 278 of them in the month of November (a 78% increase compared to the total reported in October). (21/11_EC ADNS disease outbreaks report/).