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来源: Pig Progress   2019-04-01 14:51:55   查看:  次

  A high-tech system involving 3D cameras could help swine farmers spot the early warning signs of tail biting in pigs, research in the United Kingdom has revealed.
  Tail biting is a health and welfare concern in affected pigs and a significant economic concern for industry, leading to reduced weight gain, culling and carcass condemnation. Research by Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has found pigs hold their tails down against their body when tail biting is about to begin.
  Research measuring whether pig tails were up
  In experiments, researchers used 3-dimensional cameras, placed above feeders, to automatically measure whether their tails were up and curly, or held down.
  The study was carried out using 23 groups of weaner-grower pigs which were regularly scored for any signs of tail injury. The animals were closely monitored and tail biting was stopped as soon as an outbreak was detected.
  Measuring pig tail posture
  The study, which has been published in the scientific journal Plos One, successfully enabled scientists to automatically measure tail posture and proved it can act as an early warning sign of tail biting.
  这项研究发表在科学杂志Plos One上,得益于此,科学家能够自动测量尾部姿势,并证明它可以作为咬尾的早期预警信号。
  Tail biting in pigs might be discovered sooner using 3D cameras. Photo: Henk Riswick
  Lead author Rick D’Eath from SRUC said: “This research has achieved everything we hoped for. The challenge for us now is to develop this promising technology into a robust on-farm early warning system that works on any pig farm.”
  来自SRUC的主要作者Rick D'Eath说:“这项研究已经实现了我们所希望的一切。现在我们面临的挑战是将这种前景光明的技术发展成一个强大的、适用于任何养猪场的农场预警系统。“
  Collecting data from more diverse pig farms
  This ‘proof of concept’ will now be developed in a follow-on Innovate UK-funded project called ‘TailTech’. The project will collect data from more diverse pig farms and develop and test a prototype early warning system.
  Dave Stephenson, head of pig and poultry at Harbro – one of the research partners, said: “TailTech is another example of a key initiative from the British pig industry designed to drive higher welfare standards on farm.”
  研究合作伙伴之一Harbro的猪和家禽主管Dave Stephenson说:“TailTech是英国养猪业关键计划的另一个例子,旨在提高农场的福利标准。”
  Tail biting impacts pig welfare
  Grant Walling, director of science and technology at JSR Genetics – another research partner, added: “We recognise that tail biting impacts on animal welfare, farm productivity and pork quality. Any tool that can help reduce or eradicate the problem is of benefit to the whole supply chain.
  另一位研究合作伙伴JSR Genetics的科学和技术主管Grant Walling补充说:“我们认识到咬尾对动物福利、农业生产力和猪肉质量的影响。任何有助于减少或消除咬尾问题的工具都有利于整个供应链。
  “This technology has the potential to predict future victims so offers opportunities to update and include information within our selection strategies to reduce the incidence of tail-biting in future generations.”
  Tail biting in pigs is multi-factorial
  Outbreaks of tail biting, an abnormal behaviour, have no single cause – there are a number of contributory factors that could include elements of the pig’s genetics, nutrition, environment and management. Outbreaks can occur unpredictably and quickly spread.
  咬尾这种异常行为的爆发,其原因不是单一的 - 有许多促成因素,可能包括猪的遗传、营养、环境和管理等元素。这种爆发可能无法预测且传播迅速。
  A snapshot from the 3D camera visualising pig tails. Photo: SRUC Twitter account
  Tail docking of piglets is partly effective at reducing tail biting in later life, but is seen as an undesirable mutilation and its routine use is banned in the EU. Tail biting results in pain and sickness for bitten pigs and severe economic losses for farmers as infection through tail wounds results in abattoir condemnation of meat.
  This condemnation alone can cost a producer up to 1% of the carcass value and a loss for the processor of 1% of saleable carcass from the pig. There are also unquantified on-farm costs as a result of the increased labour and veterinary treatments resulting from an outbreak.
  Research partners
  The research was the result of a collaboration between SRUC animal behaviour and welfare experts, Scottish farm technology company Innovent Technology and pig supply chain partners including feed company Harbro and Sainsbury’s supermarkets, and the Agricultural Engineering Precision Innovation Centre.
  这项研究是SRUC动物行为和福利专家、苏格兰农业科技公司Innovent technology、饲料公司Harbro和Sainsbury 's超市等猪供应链合作伙伴以及农业工程精密创新中心合作的结果。
  As part of the next phase of reasearch the consortium of partners will be strengthened with the addition of pig breeders JSR Genetics, engineers David Ritchie, pig vets Garth Pig Practice and farmers’ co-operative Scottish Pig Producers.
  作为下一阶段研究的一部分,该合作伙伴联盟将得到加强,增加了种猪企业JSR Genetics、工程师 (David Ritchie、猪兽医Garth pig Practice和苏格兰农民合作社。
  The research paper was authored by Richard B. D’Eath, Mhairi Jack, Agnieszka Futro and Emma M. Baxter, SRUC, Edinburgh, UK; Darren Talbot, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Midlothian, UK; Qiming Zhu and David Barclay, Innovent Technology, Turriff, UK.
  这篇研究论文的作者是SRUC的Richard B. D’Eath,、Mhairi Jack,、Agnieszka Futro 以及 Emma M. Baxter;爱丁堡大学皇家(迪克)兽医学院的Darren Talbot; Innovent Technology的Qiming Zhu及David Barclay。







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